Monday, June 3, 2013

Lets try this again....(and again, and again)

I have probably made 150 'ERMUHGAWD IM COMING BACK TO BLOGGING FOREVERRRRRR' posts. But let's try 151 shall we? Last year was a whirl wind of chaos/wedding planning/wedding/unsettled living situations/crazy hazy days. This year we are married (yay!) and finally moved into our first official home as a family (yay x 2!)  and life seems to be going pretty well (knocking on all the wood) I have missed blogging but with instagram making it so easy to keep up with my favorite people it slipped away and I hardly even noticed. And that makes me sad. I love looking back on old posts and seeing how much my baby has grown and how much my life has changed in three short years. With my blogging hiatus I have missed out on recording a whole year of Peyton's little life and I don't want to forget any of the details no matter how small! So here I am trying it one more time. I want to say Ill be good and blog as much as I can. I want to say ill be motivated to post DIYs and the progress of this little place we are currently calling home. I want to say I will be inspired to do outfit posts or exercise plans, but instead of setting all of these goals and making these promises (mostly to myself) Im taking a new road and saying I will blog when I can. When I feel inspired. When I find the time. I hope that is often, but I won't get down on myself if it's not.

I have played around with the idea of coming back to the blogosphere many many times ending up feeling overwhelmed with how I will ever play catch up to every thing that has happened. Instead Im just going to start with a blog post just like any other and pretend that I didnt take the worlds longest break. I may do a flash back here and there about things I missed out on blogging but for now Im planing on moving forward, not looking back. I hope you can join me on this new(ish) venture!

new home

new hair

biggest kid ever

here we go again! 

1 comment:

  1. I have posted a ton of "I'm back posts" & life just keeps getting in the way! I've decided to try and come back too but congrats on your new home!! & I love your hair esp the bangs!
