Brusha Brusha Brusha

annnd clean

My New Shirt $10

P's Breakfast

My Breakfast

Sweater~Baby Gap
Dress~ Target
Leggins~ Baby Gap

Shirt~ Syms
Cami~ Nordstrom
Pants~ jeggins/jeans not really sure where they classify as but Nordstrom
Shoes~ Off Broadway

On the way to the grocery store

well that was a given

P and I made a quick trip to Michael's after dropping daddy off at work

Then we went to the mall with Uncle Jeremy so I could get a cell phone case and I got a smoothie from Panera yummmy mango

I made dinner tonight sloppy joes and a veggie mix yummmy I swear it tastes way better than it looks. I will do my first recipe post tomorrow

P and Uncle Jeremy played hide and go seek with the baby doll

My newest project for an old co-worker

Then we took a bath and dried off with her awesome shark towel

and we ended our day with a neapolitan ice cream sammie yummmmmm
*fun fact* Ice Cream sammies and gingerale are the only things I craved during pregnancy
And there you have it our day in iPhone pictures I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
** PS tomorrow Peyton and I are planning on going on a small hike with my brother should be fun cant wait to post about it!
Hope you all had a happy Saturday and an even happier Sunday!
**PPS wanna link up? Go follow Amy over at The Good Life