I decided to experiment with the headbands I just got in the mail last week and came up with a couple.
So here is how you enter:
Comment below telling me why you love me and which headband you like best (ok so you dont really have to tell me the first part but you can if you want!)
Leave your email so I have a way to contact you
*********Extra Entries:********
Each one of these will count as one extra entry. Please LEAVE A SEPARATE COMMENT for each entry
* Tweet: Win A Fabulous Headband with @ThePenutGallery http://mikeyashley.blogspot.com/2011/05/theyre-just-givin-these-things-away.html
* Like The Peanut Gallery On Facebook
* Follow The Peanut Gallery
Contest will end Monday May 23
Happy Giveawaying :)
Also if you vote for us I'll throw in an extra $1,000.. ok no not really but I still like your votes!