6 See Ya Later Interwebzzzz

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just checkin in to check out! You may or may not have seen me post about 12093098 times but the ladies of the family (and squishy baby nephew Preston) are headed to the BEACH! We are leaving at 6 am tomorrow (really like 7 maybe 8 but we shoot for the stars) And we won't be back till Saturday. I ::probably:: won't be blogging while there but I will have my computer so you never know. I will for sure be tweeting and instagraming and all that good stuff so if you don't already you should probably follow me on those things. That is if you care about my beach trip and you think you may need to fill a void while I'm gone, which lets face it, you do.

Here's hopin we don't get eaten by one of these scary little numbers! 

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