I know in my last post I said she rolled over by herself 6 times when we went to VA but she has yet to do it again... I think she forgot how haha but I'm sure she will figure it out again soon. She smiles all the time and she is starting to laugh a little bit but mostly for her Daddy only.. I guess I'm just not that funny. Oh and did I mention that she is starting to teeth... Yeah well her gums are really hurting her so she is super drooly and super fussy. Poor baby. We bought her chew toys but her mouth is too little for them so she would rather just eat her hands.
I cant get over how sweet she is and her personality gets better and better every day ... Mikey says that we have the same exact personality that must be why I love her so much! ... I had to break out her 3-6 month jammies today and it made me kinda sad... she is getting so big. But I love watching her grow and learn.
We went to Delaware this weekend because our friend Mark came home from Iraq and we haven't seen Mikey's family since Pey was teeny tiny. They loved her and couldn't believe how big she had gotten. We had a really great time and I'm so happy that Mark is back safe and he got to meet Peyton.
OK well that is all I can really think of right now but I will try to keep posting... in the meantime here are some pics of my big baby girl

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