Not for movies.
Not for TV.
Not for books.
Not for anything.
Then I got pregnant and had a baby
Now Im like a freaking sprinkler system during a fire.
Also crime shows make me sick to my stomach yet I cant seem to look away. I love murder shows...
I think there might be something wrong with me
Now mix the two
Crime shows that involve babies/infants/parents and I'm a goner
Sometimes I think I'm a masochist
I would also like to add that I am convinced I will die scary movie style and constantly freak myself out by playing unpleasant scenarios in my head
Crime shows do not help my situation
This furthers proves the masochist theory
3 Leave Some Love:
see. im addicted to tornado shows.. like storm chasers. I can't NOT watch them yet they are my worst nightmare (ive never even seen one!) and i continue to have nightmares when sleeping about them. Its horrible. I hate it. Maybe its the way i will die...??
can i just tell you that i totally understand where you are coming from. i was NEVER emotional, and now the tiniest little things make me sappy.
i even took gage to see shrek 4 while i was pregnant with owsley and cried. so yeah. i suck.
I am so with you. The only time I had ever cried at a movie before my first pregnancy was at the end of Armageddon. Now I cry over Disney movies! I also play out, er, unpleasant scenarios in my head involving something happening to me or my family and trying to figure out what I would do. YOu`re not alone. :)
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