Continuing on from where I left off Friday:
P and I met Katie for lunch and went to a yummy Italian Restaurant. I got a caprese salad yummo. Also P found some mittens when we were putting away winter clothes and now she wants to wear them all the time. Weird child.
Later after Mikey got home from work we went out to dinner at Clare and Don's. It's a little beach shack with really great food and a super family friendly atmosphere. I had a shrimp trio it was delish.
Then we went across the street to the 4 P's to meet our favorite Griffin family for a drink. P was tired and cranky but Mrs Griff had a present for her like always and it cheered her right up.. NEW SHOES! Shes so spoiled and obsessed with shoes. I have a problem in the future.
Busiest. Day. Ever!
We went to McLean day which is like a little local fair. Momma Griff came with us and took awesome pictures. It was like having our own little photographer around. I have some of her on my camera but I dont feel like uploading them right now so Im going to take hers!
P loved it. She went on the moon bounce, the swings, and rode her first pony!
After nap we went to my good friend Cassidy's graduation party. He's just so grown up ;) It was great to see some people I havent seen in a long time and catch up.
Finally it was my brother in laws birthday on Saturday and my sister threw him a little get together at their house. P loves hanging out with Emerson besides their small sharing issues :)
It was sort of a last min. decision to go to the zoo and meet up with some friends. My friend Heathers son Aspen turned 2 a few weeks ago and we were supposed to go to the zoo but he got sick so we went yesterday. P loves the animals it's so much more fun now that she knows what they are and makes noises and gets excited.
the orangatangs climb up this thing then swing on cables over top the zoo. right. above. your. head.
orangatang on wire
Then Sunday night we had people over for Jeremy's birthday dinner.
P helped blow out candles
Finally today:
Today Nikki came over for a little neighborhood walk and then we went to Starbucks.
Now Im bout to go grocery shopping with Kristen. Whew talk about non stop. I hope you all had a great weekend and you arent too overwhelmed by all these pictures!!! Happy Monday!
Ps we love votes >>>> button on side bar :)