2 Ice Cream Party

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Last night Mikey, P, and I went and got some Baskin Robins to celebrate my not so little girls big pee pee day. P got some cookies n cream with m&ms but just pretty much rotated through mine and Mikey's as well.

Then Mikey and I made some chicken tacos and black bean salad. We even made our taco seasoning from scratch and it tasted really awesome.

Now I'm going to vomit up some pictures from the week taken by la iPhone 

She like to wear my bra now

P and I went to my friend Pam's baby shower.  She's having a 
little boy soon and Im so excited to have another friend with a baby! 

 I needed a Pick me up after my bank disaster (any excuse for a starbucks right?)

naked baby


eating a banana in the bathroom 

P insisted on wearing a coat the other day. It was 91 degrees out

Went to lunch with my sister, mom, and Preston 

She's a golfer 

reading a book about cats to the cat.. she wasn't impressed 


Pretty bambino 

Linkin up with Amy this week

annd her link isn't working on my dumb blogger so 'click'

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