0 SOS: Memorial Day Version

Monday, May 30, 2011

No it's not Saturday or even Sunday but it is a Holiday so I'm still counting it as the weekend and therefore part of SOS.

Dress~ Azura and yes it is strapless those are just my bra straps.. I couldnt find my strapless.. meh

Earrings~ Etsy

Sunglasses~ My new $10 shades I bought at the parade grounds today

Belt~ Express

Shoes~ nonezo - I did wear Reefs when I went out though 

What I love best about summer ~ The curly frizzy mess on top of my head is so in (right? did I just make that up?) Well either way I love that I don't do anything with it because of the heat that brings out my curls. 

Another Memorial Day happiness wish before bed and Ill post about it tomorrow! good night friends! 

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