3 Memorial Day Recap

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I hope you all had a super fabulous Memorial Day here is a little peek into ours

Mikey and I took P down the road to the Memorial Day parade and festival. It was a lot like Mclean Day but so much less crowded and overwhelming. We all really enjoyed it even in the serious heat.

P made a sand Dino

And then she got a Dora blow up which she is in love with and refers to 'baby Do-Rah'

Then a tornado came and dropped a house on P leaving her ruby red slippers for the taking... oh wait that was something else? This is just a box from our new outdoor fan. 

Then I snuggled my itty bitty squishy nephew love

And we stole Jess's fabulous idea and went for a swim in a storage bin

My new $10 shades from the Fair

 P's new dress made from 100% Peruvian cotton i'm obsessed! 

My mom dad and I went over to the Knite's of Columbus to pick up some BBQ for dinner yummo!

And I came home to this most adorable precious site and died 

And just a few shots from today

We recycle our pool to water the flowers. 

Happy Tuesday! 

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