I don't think I mentioned this but about a month ago my engagement ring broke. It's Mikeys great great grandma's so it's very delicate and the band was already thin to begin with but my darling fiance thought that when he asked me my ring size when I was prego that meant my fat sausage prego finger size so he got two sizes taken out of it! It fit my pinkie when he proposed gotta love him! When we went to resize it they just stretched the remaining gold so it thinned the bad out even more. It was so thin that it just cracked through one day. I still wore it (probably a bad idea) but I feel naked with out it. Any who my dear dear family friend took it to her jeweler for me about two weeks ago to get fixed and I got it back today!!! It's so much better and so super shiny and I missed it so!
I really need a professional to take some pictures of it. My iPhone just doesn't capture the sparkle
I also am in need of a serious manicure.
I'm so so happy to have it back!