6 That Just Happened...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I was rocking P in the chair while putting her down for her nap when all of a sudden this black blur came across my eye. It was a spider descending from the ceiling right in front of my face. We are talking 0.5 in. No big deal.
I'm not arachnophobic or anything I actually don't really mind spiders but when it is basically touching your face... it's not ok. In an effort not to compromise nap time (P was pmuch asleep at this point) I had to try to flick it away but instead it just dropped and started crawling on Pey's face. Again I say not ok! It was probably a humours sight seeing me try to squirm a spider away while not waking Peyton up. I lost sight of it and decided nap time was more important than spider finding so I waited 5 min. put P in her crib and went back to the chair. Found him and squashed him. I know I dont like killing things either but I didnt want him eating P while she slept. Ick. That was a traumatic experience.

while googling spider images I ran across this... that is not what this spider looked like... thankfully.

Ok not a black widow either but you get the point... 

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6 Leave Some Love:

Amy Nielson said...

wow... just wow. people are so weird.

Kim said...


Joy said...

Ahhh I would have freaked out!! I am not that afraid of spiders but when they invade MY space? Huh uh. Oh no mister spider. You better prepare to meet your doom. You have lots of self control! :)

Joy said...

Also I txted that picture to my hubby of the chick and he txted back "Oh baby! You're so sexy! Have you been working out?" haha

kriznizzel said...

Just read your baby wearing page, such and great post! I got lots of info.

The Peanut Gallery said...

The best thing is that it was like the 10th picture on the first page when I googled spider.. really?

Joy~ thats so funny. you better watch out he might go lookin for her.

Kristy~ thats awesome! I love spreading baby wearing love!!!

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