2 Fathers Day Weekend

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fathers Day weekend is one of my favorite weekends of the year. Not because of the whole celebrate dad thing.. obviously Mothers day is a much better day. My dad's birthday is June 21 and so is my sister Sherri's. So here at the Bussard residence we are celebrating Dads birthday Sherri's birthday and fathers day all wrapped into one. We have done it this way for as long as I can remember. This means all of my sisters and their families (whom ever we can wrangle up) come here and we have a weekend full of cook outs, presents, laughs, family, friends, and fun.

The last two years we have even been so lucky as to have my sister Lourie and her family from Texas here.

 My niece was a great baby sitter. 
blowing bubbles
lazy boys
my dad likes Hawaiian swords 

mom dad and Lourie

Lourie and her family 

every year my dad spends 3 hours trying to get everyone together for a family picture. Everyone hates it

Happy birthday Dad and Sherri

P had to help 

opening fathers day cards 

my sister Terri got my dad and Sherri Poo Pourri. Spray it before you go and no one will ever know! 

Terri and Daniel 

On Sunday I went to the dollar store with Sherri for a crafting project. P had to have this 'fluffer-fly' $3.99 at the DOLLAR store!? Outrageous! Totally worth it though she loves the thing. 

It was a pretty great weekend Id have to say. I hope you all had a wonderful time celebrating your dads and hubbys too!