4 And The Verdict Is...

Monday, June 20, 2011

So other than the depressingness of it all id say my swimsuit trip was pretty successful. 

Reason #1. I actually got a suit 

Reason #2. I don't feel that awful in it.

Reason #3. It was 50% off $60 

Reason #4. I unexpectedly had  an $170 gift card to Macys in my wallet .... really.

Reason #5. I got 2 pairs of shoes because did I mention I had an $170 gift card? 

Reason #6. After all that goodness I still have $70 to Macys left over... true story. 

So Id say pretty successful right? 

I ended up with this suit in turquoise

And here are my new babies

I need a pedicure real bad like. 

Thanks for all your advice and feedback in the last post. I will def. look into those places for a better suit but for now Im pretty content with this one!

Happy Monday! Ill try to make it back later for a post about the weekend!