3 Swimsuit Shopping Can Kiss My Booty

Monday, June 20, 2011

Iv mentioned it a few times already but in case you missed it my mom, sister, and I are going to the beach Wednesday. This means I need a new swim suit. I wore my moms tankini last weekend when we went down but she will probably want it and besides Id like to have my own. We went to Target last night and I tried on a few one pieces, one tankini and even a bikini (I don't know what I was thinking with that one) All were pretty epic fails. It didn't help that I gained about 6 lbs from cook outs this weekend.

I seriously loath swim suit shopping. I can feel really great about the weight I'v lost but then I step into a suit and all my stretch marks, cellulite, and ghostly pale skin are exposed to the world and the 360 degree mirrors don't help the situation.

My sister and I are going to Macys today to look for one because we both have gift cards so I looked online to see if there was anything I was interested in here are a few I like

I will obviously look like that in all of them. 
And with my luck they wont carry anything remotely close to these at my Macys. 

I'll let you know how it goes

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