4 Girly Vaca Part 1

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Best. Trip. Ever. 
No really though. It would have been great if Mikey could have been there but it was so nice to spend time with the girls and do everything I love to do at the beach that Mikey hates! 

I always get excited when I cross the Bay Bridge. The water, the boats, the sand, it sets the mood. 

Nikki was listening to a yoga pod cast and trying to do it in the car.

Peyton too

As soon as we got there and got settled we hit the beach. It was perfect weather. Sunny and warm but not hot and a perfect summer breeze. 

She is such a beach babe.

So is Preston. He LOVEd it.

Just chillin with my feet in the sand 

Mrs. Angus took P on a walk to collect treasures

Her new favorite word is 'bamboo' 

She didn't love the water so much this time because she didn't have her daddy there to make her brave

Nakie baby butt

Then we went to dinner. We went out to eat every night and each time we hit amazing restaurants with amazing food, great service, and you guys Peyton was PERFECT. Like angelic even. 
So night one we went to Mixx. It wasn't so much family friendly. Like no highchairs or kids menus. I was a little worried they were going to throw us out but like I said P was great. Our waiter even told my mom and Mrs Angus when we left that she was the most well behaved baby that he has ever seen in there. Cue proud momma moment. 
Also there was this table of 4 older men who I thought was annoyed with us for bringing a baby. But at the end one of them turned around to ask if P was a gerber baby he said ' I dont say this ever, but that is the most beautiful baby I have ever seen.' Annd another proud momma moment. 

amazing food.. favorite of the week.

pretty sunset

Then we walked over to fun land. P was exhausted but had a great time. 

So my sister was worried all day that Preston hadn't gone poop. He goes at least 10 times a day. Kid is a machine. Then while we were watching P ride the airplanes I look over and shes cracking up so I walk over to this....

SPLAT. Be carful what you wish for! She cleared the bench next to her pretty fast!

Then when she was changing him he proceeded to pee everywhere. HAHHA Saving these pictures for his future prom date! 

Then we all went home and passed out.

It was a great start to our perfect vacation. Stay tuned for part 2!