Potter that is...
If you know me, or have read my
about me section, then you know I have an undying love for said Potter. I started reading the books when I was in 5th grade. Every single year since 5th grade I have had a new book to look forward to reading and then the movies started coming out and I had a book and or a movie to look forward to. Now, as most of you know, the final movie is about to hit the big screen and that's it. I used to go to all the premieres but I realllly hate the crowds, the people who clap, cheer and 'oooooOOOOoo' during movies. I want to turn around and shoot them all, or avada kedavra their asses if you will. So the past few movies Iv waited a few months before going to see them. But now.... now I want to put this movie off forever. I don't want it to be over. I'm one of the biggest book nerds you will ever meet. I get tied to characters and stories and I feel like I know them. From chapter one all the way to the end my eyes were wet with tears in the final book. Tears of sorrow, joy, anger, regret, and then in the end I cried because I knew it was over.
It probably sounds dumb, especially to those of you who have never read the books, but 13 years of my life I have followed this story. 13 years I grew to know these characters. That is a long time especially when Im not even 23 yet. I know I can go back and read and reread them all, which trust me I already have, but it's not the same...
I love to read and I have read some really amazing books and series in my life but I
dont think KNOW there will never be another series out there that will effect my life as much as this one did. CHEESY but true... so true.
There really isn't a point to this post except to vent to myself and the rest of the interwebz about my current heart ache. I'm excited to see the new movie and I know Ill leave the theater with a happy heart as I reminisce on all the good times JK has given me and for that I thank her.
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You have no idea how much I relate to this! I am such a Potter nerd it isn't even funny. The books have really become a big part of a lot of our lives and I think that is an awesome thing. I feel like I relate something in my life to these books at least once a day. I know that sounds crazy, but I find it kind of comforting :). I don't feel like things are ending with the last movie though, I will just go back and start all over. I can't wait until Lily is old enough to read the books with me! Are you excited for Pottermore?
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