Things I will do this this time:
schedule a few posts
Watch One Tree Hill
Bask in the silence
I have so much I need to / want to blog about so Im going to try to write at least 3 posts right now and have them scheduled for today and tomorrow
I have Stacks of laundry to do so that is a must... also on the laundry front remember this shirt? Yeah it somehow got mixed into the dirty clothes and thus the dryer and now... it's a belly shirt and I want to cry. Whatever I will move on but it will be morned.
I love to read. LOVE it. I used to spend my summers with my nose in books. That kinda stopped when I had P. I just can't seem to find the time to curl up and read and I hate it because reading makes me so happy. This will change. Currently I'm reading Dead Reckoning the latest book in the Sookie Stackhouse Novels. Im so in love with these books and I finally started hitting this one hard yesterday and Im already halfway through. I think one way to help me keep up with my reading will be to start doing book reviews or start a book club type feature. I think Ill think more into this and make a more detailed post on it later this week but let me know if you might be interested in a book club type thing!
One Tree Hill is one of my many guilty pleasures and it happens to be on during Ps naptime... Watching OTH and blogging at the same time = perfection :)
I don't have Reese today because it's he older brothers birthday and P is finally napping so right now? I'm pretty ok with the silence (and the background noise of OTH of course)
Don't forget to vote on the mod cloth review on my side bar!
And also if you want to sponsor The Peanut Gallery for August we would love to have you so please contact me!