0 Party over here whoop whoop

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh haiii remember me? I'm Ashley this is muh blog.
Well holy guacamole I feel like iv been running around like a chicken with their head cut off this past week and a half. Reason numero uno I mentioned it before but Im now watching my friends daughter 5 days a week from now till Oct. while her day care is closed. Let me tell you mommas of one or none... it aint no joke. and to top it off on Wed and Fri I watch my itty bitty nephew for a few house as well. Thats 3 under 2. That's a lot. whew. any who

Saturday was my baby bugs second birthday party. I honestly planned on going all out with decorations and what not I even made invites but never sent them out. Oh well. It was her second bday and we went all out for #1. It was still a pretty great time (at least I think so) and there was food and friends and P had a BLAST so id say it was a success. My wonderful sister and brother in law let us do it over at their cute little house and it was such a nice day. We played cornhole and ate finger food (it was a 'tea party') and laughed and carried on. Pictures for your viewing pleasure.

pictures c/o momma G aka I stole them from her FB :)

my cousins girl frann made some delicious goodies including cake pops! P's favorite! 

my cookie cups I got off pinterest 

from my phone

soooo my sisters dog apparently thought my maxi dress was an f-ing tree and waltzed right up to me lifted his leg.. and well you can guess what happened after that... not cool Bear NOT cool... we still aren't on the best of terms. 

yep it was a pretty great day. Thank you thank you thank you all who helped celebrate Ps birthday I know she won't remember how much fun she had but she will always be able to see the pictures and know  how loved and blessed she is to have you in her life!