Iv been meaning to share a bunch of things I have been loving of late but yeah.chicken. head. cutoff. remember? yeah. so here is a little collection of what I can remember
*A friend left this link on my facebook wall a little bit ago and it's pmuch awesome. Ladies check it out, guys too I suppose :)
*That same friend recently started her own bloggity about beautiful things. It's swoonworthy.
*Are you a Buffy fan? Let's be honest who isn't? Oh you aren't? Well this is awkward... Pretend you are for a second and then go read this blog and die of laughter. And if you are, which you should be, go read it as well and then continue the dying.
*Im probably late on this wagon but we all know the fabulous Elsie from A Beautiful Mess (if you don't you should) Well I recently checked out her sister Emma's blog and I'm in love. From her amazingly delicious looking recipes that I NEED to try, to her enthralling book reviews, to her ridiculously adorable taste in clothes. Seriously loving her. Go and love her too if you havent already.
*This made me laugh, then feel petty, then laugh some more, then feel sad about how much it related to my life... and then laugh.
*This is a little silly, true, and well, silly
*Need hair inspiration? This girl has it. Seriously follow her on Pinterest and get inspired or check out her blog she is always doing fun things. I'm trying this one, tonight perhaps?
*Get in my belly
*Another blog you should check out. Alaythea is a work out inspiration and if you missed it Jess blogged about how she helped her calculate calorie intake.
*TrueBlood fan? Click and love
*This giveaway... don't enter it though because that will harm my chances of winning. Kthanx.
Welp I think that's all for now. Now go cheer your Monday blues up with some lovely links!
oh PS.. my poll for the mod cloth review went wonky so now there are only 2 votes boo hiss. SO if you could would go over yonder to le side bar and vote Id love it thanks!!!!!