0 Sponsors?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

^^ uh yeah I spelt gallery wrong... i meant to do that obvi. 

Ok so I'm kinda scurred to post this. I'v been thinking about sponsors for awhile now but I for sure didn't have enough street cred to do it. I probably still don't but hey why not give it a shot? I'm looking for lovely people to sponsor my blog for the month of August. I wont sit here and brag about my ginormous numbers but I will say that they have steadily increased in the past few months and seem to just be getting bigger... thats a good thing right? So here are the deets:

Large ad $8:
Large sponsors get there ad showing on the left side of the blog for a month and it will be rotated through out. 
A place in my large sponsor write up
Host a giveaway or do a guest post if you so desire
Help support this stay at home momma! 

Small ad $5:
Small sponsors have there ad showing on the left side of the blog under the large ads. They will rotate through out the month
A place in my small sponsor highlight
Help support this stay at home momma! 

We love all blogs/shops/people/sharks/companies here at the Peanut Gallery so if you think your ad would look good on the side of le blog shoot me an email. abussard7@gmail.com