0 8 MONTHS!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

So I can't believe it's already the beginning of the 8th month and there are only like 52 days to go... who knew it would go by so fast. I went to the doctor on Monday and she is growing up just fine. They retested my platelette count and i'll find out how that went at my next visit. So far i've gained about 18 lbs... not too bad... so here are some belly update pictures...

In other news I got my hair cut today and I like it a lot. And my sisters bachlorette is tomorrow and saturday so I'm pretty excited about that although I can't partake in the drinking festivites which kinda sucks... but come August 15th I'm ringing in 21 like a pro... (i'm sure i'll be wasted after like one drink) but anyway ... I also got my maid of honor dress on tuesday and it's VERY large which is kinda exciting so I had to take it to the tailor today to get taken in .. hopefully I dont grow too much in the next 3 weeks ... getting fitted for a dress when your preggers is complicated... ok well thats all for now!

Ashley, Mikey, and Peyton