Friday, May 29, 2009

Hello everyone!
Well this weekend it will be 35 weeks... that means only about 6 more weeks to go until I get to meet my little one!!!.... I went to the Dr. this week and mt platelet count is ever lower its at 120... so now I have to go see a hemotologyst or how ever you spell that... and get tested there. Don't worry it's nothing serious but it's just to be safe. Also Peyton is growing like a good little girl.. she was facing head down with her back toward my right side when I was there which I though was cool because i'm always wondering where she is in there. So here is another belly update for 35 weeks ... just chugging right along.

In other news Mikey Jeremy his girlfriends Rachael and I went to Morgantown last weekend to move into my new apartment. I basically live in the ghetto but whatever it will do and the apartment itself is not all that bad... Peyton had her own room which is nice so we dont have to cram everything into one bedroom. Also Katie is leaving for Italy tomorrow for a whole month! I'm very sad... and she is going to miss my baby shower but thats ok I promised her that I will keep Peyton in until she gets back. Ok well thats all my news for today I hope this keeps you satisfied until next time!!
<3 Ashley, Mikey and Peyton