0 What's In My Diaper Bag?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I'm doing this as a brach off a blog I read on a daily basis Sometimes Sweet. I love her posts and thought this one would be fun to join in on. I was actually just thinking about posting about my diaper bag because I am unhealthaly obsessed with it so why not add on what I carry in it? so here it goes:

This is my baby It's Petunia Pickle Bottom and it was love at first sight

Unlike Danielle at Sometimes Sweet I have a hard time keeping my diaper bag essentials to a minimum!

So Here it is:

Inside the bag:
* Babyganics hand sanitizer: Gotta keep those baby hands clean!
* Napkins from Starbucks: I hate to wast the ones I dont use so why not throw them in the diaper because we all know they WILL get used eventually

Continuing clockwise:

* Sippy cup: We always have at least one sippy but usually 2 or 3 with a combo of milk and water in them
* Toy keys: I normally have a few random toys at the bottom to keep her entertained
* Diapers: We use Up and Ups from Target. i'm pretty sure we have used eery brand and this is not only the least expensive but we have never had a leak problem LOVE UM
* Plate and spoon... I always try to bring a plate just in case we go out to eat. It's a lot safer in the hands of a one and a half year old than glass.
* Neo-to-go: Just in case of cuts or scrapes
* Bib: It has a plastic coving so it is easy to wipe off not washing necessary
* Snacks: We always have some sort of snack combo here we have Apple-2-the-core organic dried apples, Cascadian Farms organic granola bar, and Plum Organics pureed fruit (best invention ever btw she LOVES these things they also have veggie combos so it is a great way to make sure she gets fruit and veggies if she isnt eating well that day)
* Wipes
* Butt Paste: you can read all about my rave reviews here
* Wallet: for obvious reasons
* Camera: because I never want to miss a min. of this little girls life!

Oh and yes the front of the bag does fold out into a changing pad.. did I mention I love it?

and voila you have now seen the inside of my diaper bag I hope you enjoyed!

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