3 And Then We Never Had to Leave the House Again....

Friday, June 3, 2011

First let me say HI I'm still alive. My internet was being non existent for like 3 days. No bueno. But I finally caved and called Verizon today (I avoid calling people at all costs dreading the 30 min I will spend pushing buttons and saying ENGLISH loud and slow) and they fixed it. ::Happy Dance:: now back to the ol' bloggin board.

I wanted to post this a while ago when this little event went down. Remember that? Ok well this is what I was going to post.

I was at the grocery store that day when I looked across the street and realized that the BlockBuster was now a pet store. When did that happen? There used to be a Hollywood Video across the street and that closed a while ago. There was another Hollywood Video a few miles away that closed right after that. Now if I wanted to go out to rent a movie I honestly don't know how far Id have to go or where the closest rental place is or even if there are anymore in existence. It makes me really sad.

I know I could get Netflix and put it on my cue and wait a few days for my movie to get here when I really just wanted to watch it in that moment. I know I could watch a new release on demand. But what if I just wanted to go browse the movie store?

What if I was in the mood to watch a really great old school comedy? Or a classic tear jerking romance? I have instant Netflix and unless Im craving to see Jaws 15 there isn't much of a selection.

My friend Kristen and I adore independent films. We used to go to the store and walk around for literally hours reading the backs of movies till be ran across one that tickled our fancy. Now I have to sit on my couch and search through Netflix or BlockBuster.com if I want to do this? Then I have to wait around for it to be shipped to me?

I don't know maybe I'm being over dramatic but it really breaks my heart that everything must be virtual now. Like here I am writing an open book of my life online for the world to see instead of in a private diary that I keep locked and hidden in my underwear drawer. Am I alone on this?


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