Peyton got tickets to Yo Gabba Gabba live for her birthday c/o Momma Griffin and after a much anticipated (by me more so than her) arrival the show was finally last night! Obviously P had no idea what we meant when we said 'do you want to go see Yo Gabba Gabba in real life?' But she acted excited. When we got there we loaded up on stadium food, $10 glow lights, and beer for dad. He was pumped.
so excited to get there
view from our seats
At the beginning she didn't really know what to think. She just kinda sat and stared. She kept saying she wanted to go down to the stage to dance. She sat on our laps and watched intently. From my observations the parents were more enthused than the children and knew ever word to every song, Mikey and myself included.
then intermission came and something hit her. Probably the sugar from the cotton candy. But Biz Markie came on stage and it was like a switch turned on and she was ready to DANCE! She marched in a circle and got her wiggles out and FROZE! It was great. My dumbass forgot the video camera and since I only have a lowly iPhone 3 I cant take video in the dark. But trust me she loved it.
We rapped to 'I like Bugs' and there was a party in our tummies (so yummy)
she also discovered how cool her glow stick was and was raving by then end.
Then we sang goody bye and she was sad but didnt throw a tantrum thank goodness! All in all it was a pretty great night. I highly suggest visiting a show near you if you get the chance.
Then P didnt go to sleep till 3:30 am and Im watching Preston while Nikki and Frank are at a wedding in New Orleans this weekend so as soon as Peyton fell asleep at 3:30 am (did i mention it was 330 am?) Preston woke up at 3:31 AWESOME. Then at around 12:30 today I remembered that P had dance class today.. at 10:30. Mom of the year here. I'm so mad! I cant believe we missed it! Ugh oh well hopefully there is no where to go from here but up. Hopefully.
PS Happy October! check out my new sponsors on the side bar and show them some love. You will her more about them later!
1 Leave Some Love:
dude...i love yo gabba gabba more than I should ever admit. The Jack Black episode? best thing ever.
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